

GILL & GILL offers a range of IP legal services tailored to suit your business:

  • IP strategies for your business to maximise your return on your assets
  • Searching, clearance, and registration of trade marks worldwide
  • Help with devising optimum trade mark filing strategies for different jurisdictions
  • Advice on protection and registration of industrial designs and copyright
  • Domain Name dispute resolution services, including filing UDRP and Nominet DRS complaints.
  • Assignments and licences in/ out
  • IP due diligence in takeover and divestment activities
  • Advice on specific IP issues
  • Commercial negotiating skills to secure a favourable outcome for you and on occasion to avert the threat of litigation
  • Commercially aware legal advice on business strategy
  • A flexible on call in-house service without the fixed costs
  • Preparation of standard documentation and review of current agreements at minimal cost
  • Commercial/ legal advice on your business website and social media platforms
  • Management of overseas lawyers and other advisors
  • Advice on building and operating Anti-Ambush Marketing and Anti-Counterfeiting strategies